Theater of Magic - Bally

Pinball Magic

Released in:


1,200 of these desirable machines were constructed. Capcom designed about a half dozen machines in this era and some of these machines are at the height of collectability. This machine was designed by Brian Hansen and Robert Hurtado with art accolades going to Hugh Van Zanten and Jeff Busch. Bally was releasing their classic theater of magic about the same time as this game came out. Brian Hansen designed some very ingenious toys for this playfield such as the magnetic magic wand, the levitating ball lift, the color-changing ball and the skill shot top hat. Completing all seven magician modes advances one through three rounds of play. If you’re skillful enough to complete the three rounds, Queen Magna Matra will appear. She will get older with every shot until she turns into a skeleton and 500 million points are awarded. Magic mayhem is a multiball mode. All in all, this machine is complex in nature and rule sets.